Year 2 Sem B Time Table
JAN 11, 2010 - APR 24, 2010 Total Credit Hours: 17.00 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08:30-09:20 09:30-10:20 10:30-11:20 12458 CS2332-T02 MMW 2450 12495 CS3103-C01 ACAD LT-5 12456 CS2332-C01…
JAN 11, 2010 - APR 24, 2010 Total Credit Hours: 17.00 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08:30-09:20 09:30-10:20 10:30-11:20 12458 CS2332-T02 MMW 2450 12495 CS3103-C01 ACAD LT-5 12456 CS2332-C01…
Rootkit Hunter (commonly abbreviated as “RKH”) is a security monitoring and analyzing tool for POSIX compliant systems, to help you detect known rootkits, malware and signal general bad security practices. Rootkits have a certain structure and files in certain areas, known to the Rootkit Hunter team. This is similar to virus signatures. RKH offers additional scans that may assist you.
CTRL+ALT+DEL no longer brings up the task manager in vista/7. Please change to use CTRL+SHIFT+ESC
值得睇的一套災難片. 我個人覺得好睇過 <<明日之後>>/<<後天>> “The Day After Tomorrow”
2012 末日預言
導演 : 羅倫艾默烈治
演員 : 尊克鍚克, 阿曼達比蒂, 丹迪紐頓
片長 : 158 分鐘
好想食芝士火煱... 見到地鐵個廣告就好想去食.... 好想去打邊爐... 見到電視買大家樂個廣告好想去食.. 好想去韓燒.. 見到雜誌寫有得韓燒同打邊爐好想去食...... 好想去旅行... 見到依家又唔係旺季就好想去旅行.. 好想你..... 雖然噚日先見完但都好想你
vice versa ad. 1. 【拉】反之亦然 He likes me, and vice versa. 他喜歡我,我也喜歡他。
我一直都想整到部電話開機就係用倉頡, 但點設也是無效…
找找下GOOGLE, 俾我找到個小工具, 所以分享下.
名稱: EasySIP
版本: v1
功能: 軟啟後自動打開用戶預先設置的輸入法。運行平臺:Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC
RHEL/CentOS: * In /etc/modprobe.conf, make sure you have alias net-pf-10 off alias ipv6 off * Reboot. • RHEL/CentOS/Fedora Core (method 2)/Mandriva (method 1): * In /etc/sysconfig/network, add a line NETWORKING_IPV6="no"…
Here is a site that I found online for week 3 and later on It is a alternative site that teach HTML + CSS step by step. As you all…
用手提講電話唔方便有兩樣. 1. 驚冇電 2. 爆分鐘.... 爆分鐘係非常之咁麻煩....講親電話都要就住就住 每一分鐘都係$$$ 其實兩樣都好麻煩 唉...