Linux Ethernet Bonding – load balancing / active-passive

This is a notice in the topic of Linux Ethernet Bonding with two ethernet NIC

The case:
There is a server with two ethernet NIC. They are going to be set as either load balancing or active-passive mode.

  1. For load balancing (round-robin) – mode = 0, this is the default, transmitting packets in order from the first available slave through the last, for load balancing and fault tolerance.
  2. For active-passive – mode = 1, Only one of the bond slaves is used, and the others act as stand-by mode. Once the active one failure, after particular time period (miimon=xxx), the stand-by one will take over and resume the network connection.


Continue Reading Linux Ethernet Bonding – load balancing / active-passive

[Linux Raid] mdadm raid 1 resizing partition

In order to resize the raid file system from small capacity to larger one, we should reset the raid size and file system size to new setting.
Here are two simple case studies to increase and reduce raid size.
Case 1: Increase the size of /dev/md4 from 4GB to 8GB

  • pre-check the file system
  • increase the raid capacity
  • resize file system capacity
  • pro-check
  • mount and use

Case 2: Reduce the size of /dev/md4 from 8GB to 6GB

  • umount the file system
  • pre-check
  • reduce the file system capacity
  • reduce the raid capacity
  • pro-check
  • mount and use

Reference: HowToForge


Continue Reading [Linux Raid] mdadm raid 1 resizing partition