WHMCS Chinese invoice suppport 中文帳單支援

在網上找過資料, 有提供方法. 但網上的方法已過數. 建議參考 WHMCS 官方方法. 下載 droidsansfallback 字型並解壓縮 , 上傳到WHMCS 空間中的 /vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/fonts 目錄. 登入WHMCS admin 後台, Setup->General Settings->Invoices->PDF Font Family->Custom 填上 droidsansfallback 並按最底的儲存即可. 參考網扯: Eastdesign.net

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Exim mail queue commands

Helpful Exim Commands: /usr/sbin/exim   -M   email-id        => Force delivery of one message /usr/sbin/exim -qf                  => Force another queue run /usr/sbin/exim -qff                 => Force another queue run and attempt to flush…

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