HTML + CSS Tutorial From beginner to advanced
Here is a site that I found online for week 3 and later on It is a alternative site that teach HTML + CSS step by step. As you all…
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HTML + CSS Tutorial From beginner to advanced
CS3382 Web Usability Design and Engineering
Here is a site that I found online for week 3 and later on It is a alternative site that teach HTML + CSS step by step. As you all…
雖然今個Semester得16 Credits, 但係都覺得好繁忙咁. 一來係因為副學士的16 Credits 同Degree的16 Credits有大不同. 二來當中有EL Spoken English 及 Web Usability. 一個係 1 credit 但上堂都要4 Hrs/week + Independent Lerning 另一個係 60% Coursework, 每個Week 要上3 Hrs 堂外, 仲要寫Blog, Reflection,…
Here is some common mistake in coding: Cannot miss single co ' ' and double co " " <img src=" bg.gif" width="140" height="30" alt="text"> html tag should be closed <table><tr><td></td></tr></table>…